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A Bad Experience at Kaplan Financial
Chris Cornell
Kaplan Financial has garnered a good reputation throughout its 50 years of existence, bringing us some of the best accounting, tax and finance qualified practitioners in the market. Its practice is based on their goals, which is to help individuals attain their education and career goals, while providing the best service and environment possible. Although they may have had a long run of good feat, one company in particular found that it was all talk and no play. Read on to find out about My UK Accountant Ltd s experience at Kaplan Financial.
My UK Accountant Ltd had decided to send one of their employees for training at the Sheffield branch of Kaplan Financial to prepare for the AAT examinations. This decision was also influenced by the marketing campaign of which Kaplan Financial was a leading brand in the market with over 50 years of experience.
What they found out was that Kaplan had terrible administrative organization. There was no proper delegation of duties, which in turn meant that there would be no specific staff to deal with specific issues. For My UK Accountant Ltd, their messages asking for a call back never saw a reply.
So what experience at Kaplan Financial did this company face, leading them to the need for a call back? To start off, they had faced the problem of missing payment records, which is really ironic considering that they were training future, qualified accountants who may be dealing with similar tasks. The payments that were made seemed to keep going missing, and that resulted in the constant pestering of them owing Kaplan money. When this happened, they would need to dig up their payment confirmation as proof that they had. On another note, interestingly, this also happens at Kaplan University, where the students of the accounting department would always receive a payment overdue message despite paying on time. Could it be by chance that the both accounting departments are facing such problems?
Apart from that, they found that the teaching staffs were not very knowledgeable in the field, and the course materials provided were not sufficient or irrelevant for the examination, which is acknowledged by the teachers. It is a wonder why no attempts to update the materials is made.
Then there was the examination, which is conducted on computers that can lose its power anytime. Unfortunately for the employee from My UK Accountant Ltd, it happened to him after completing the exam, by which, answers had gone with it. He was told to re-sit some other time. They later found that there was no quality control when they contacted the central office.
Whether this was a onetime occasion or had it been going on for a long time now, this is indeed a daring endeavour to expose the scenes behind a leading company as big as Kaplan Financial. Nevertheless, choosing or not to take up a program with Kaplan Financial is still entirely up to you, but best take heed of what might come.
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