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By Richard Gringer
The first thing you should do to get out of a speeding ticket isYOU SHOULD HAVE NEVER SPED AT ALL! Well, that is definitely easier said and done especially in todays society. Everyone today is always rushing to and from work, the grocery store, the doctor, etc
Speeding ticket fines are excessive, wrong, and sometimes just a plain old speeding ticket scam. Many people choose not to defend a speeding ticket and just agree to get slapped with all these fines because they think they will NEVER win in court. Beating speeding tickets these days is a must; it will save you over $1200 each ticket if you learn how to win them. The number one mistake people make is that they admit that their guilty right from the start. You SHOULD NEVER DO THIS. The first question an officer usually asks when coming to your window is license and registration please and you know what the next question is? Do you know what I pulled you over for? Uhh Officer, I was speeding and going 65 mph in a 45 mph speeding zone. BOOM, your busted right there. You need to be careful if you are ever pulled over and keep your mouth shut. If youre female you could try fake crying to get out of your speeding ticket and/or traffic ticket. More simply, you could act like your world just ended and there is no tomorrow. It happens, there are many females that do this and get away with it! Males, some females, are not that fortunate. We have to rely on the right tactics in dismissing our speeding and/or traffic ticket. The VERY first thing you need to do is when the officer rights you a ticket, accept it, smile, and drive away from the scene.
Now when you go to court you need to do the following below. This will help you get your traffic ticket dismissed!
1. Wear a Suit/Skirt- ACT LIKE AN ADULT
2. Be Respectful and Nice. Being a jerk will get you know where!
4. Check the actual wording of the code you violated. If the officer fails to prove guilt in any part of the code then you should be dismissed.
Whether its Missouri speeding tickets, Florida State speeding ticket court cases, or Arkansas speeding laws, the court system can be beat! So many speeding accidents happen today because of carelessness of people, but even if you get a speeding ticket today they can easily be beat. Police officers are human to and they cant remember everything that happened that day. I also suggest before even going to court you need to STALL, STALL, STALL!!!! Try to push your court case back as many days as possible; you want the police officer to forget everything that happened the day of your ticket. There is a great chance the officer may never even show up, and YOU WIN!
About the Author: Richard Gringer has been successfully teaching people all over America
how to get out of a speeding ticket
. He has compiled an award winning course that exposes
fighting a speeding ticket
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