Submitted by: Adaleya Johnson

There s so much information about health, nutrition, physical fitness and even junk food on the internet, it s difficult to sort through them to glean the information you need for a healthy lifestyle. That s why creating simple rules on diet, exercise and lifestyle can help make your choices easier and keep you healthier, recommends a Danville bootcamp.

1. Eat your food as Mother Nature intended. In most cases, processing food, such as cooking it, can alter the nutrient content. However, that isn t true in all cases. Tomatoes for example, increase in antioxidant power, making them healthier, when cooked. Cooking foods isn t normally the problem, however, artificial foods are. If you consume foods containing ingredients you can t pronounce, don t expect your body to say thank you. While not all ingredients with a scientific name are harmful, many are just empty calories. Some of these ingredients cause chemical reactions in the body that can trigger cell death or damage. Many do not contain the nutrients your body requires to be healthy.

2. Consume at least five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables daily. Fruits and vegetables not only contain vitamins and mineral, they contain phytonutrients, too. One Danville bootcamp expert explains that these are plant chemicals, which play important roles in keeping your body functioning at its peak. In addition, fruits and vegetables also provide the body with adequate fiber that helps cleanse the body of waste.


3. Avoid products containing refined white flour and sugar. Neither of these two ingredients offers any nutritional benefits and can create spikes in blood sugar levels. Low blood sugar follows the spikes, which makes you hungry, so frequently you eat more products containing refined sugar and flour. Ultimately, foods containing these ingredients can lead to weight gain and reek havoc on people with diabetes or other problems. Sugar can also impair the immune system, making you far more susceptible to infection and disease.

There is not nutritional benefit to white flour since manufacturing removes the bran and the germ, the healthy substance. There is a bleaching agent added to make the flour white called chlorine dioxide. This not only bleaches the flour but also matures it. However, it also creates other compounds in the process, such as alloxan, a substance used by labs to create diabetes in lab animals. The FDA approved over 60 chemicals used in the process of making both bread and flour. Not all of them are toxic or harmful, but some are.

4. Drink at least eight glasses of water a day. Water is necessary for basic functions in the body. It aids in transporting nutrients, regulates body temperature, protects vital organs, detoxifies the system, keeps the joints moist as it protects them, helps your metabolism and adds moisture to your lungs to protect them. Your brain is 90 percent water. If you dehydrate, for any reason, it can cause headache, fuzzy brain and fatigue. This may occur if you re running a fever or perspiring excessively when at your Danville bootcamp, but without rehydrating.

5. Exercise a minimum of three times per week. There are three primary types of exercise, strength building, cardiovascular and flexibility exercise. In order to maintain good health you need all three types. Cardiovascular exercise includes running, bicycling, dancing and walking. Yoga is an example of a flexibility exercise. Strength training includes weight lifting and weight bearing exercise. All of these aid your body in different ways, but all of them increase the body s ability to make antioxidants that protect your cells. Exercise can aid in preventing many different diseases such as cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis. If you don t have time for an exercise regimen, increase your daily activity by taking the stairs and not the elevator, as one example. Even if you have parking space Karma, park a distance from the front of the store the next time you shop.

6. Make smart lifestyle decisions. If you smoke, stop. Consuming alcohol in excess, getting too few hours of sleep and other decisions you can control, affect your health in a negative manner. Make smart decisions. A Danville bootcamp trainer can help you if you need help with this.

7. Don t sweat the small stuff. Stress kills. Learn meditation or other methods of calming your mind and reducing stress. Instead of worrying, ask yourself what you can do to change the situation. If the answer is nothing, then put the problem out of your mind and conserve your mental energy.

About the Author: Adaleya Johnson has the #1

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and has been helping Danville clients lose weight, get toned and fit into their skinny jeans for over 2 years. Check out his

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