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By Ted Davidsen
Being asked to be the Wedding MC can be a nerve-wracking experience for many men. Responsible for making sure the reception timetable is adhered to, the wedding MC is also expected to be funny, although he doesn’t give a speech unless he is also best man – the role was traditionally performed by the best man, but these days is often a separate function. However, the wedding MC is required to speak in public when introducing the speakers and making other announcements.
How to Prepare Your Wedding MC Jokes
The good news about weddings is that people will tend to laugh at anything that is even remotely funny and so your wedding MC jokes don’t need to be the best you’ve ever heard. However, delivery and timing certainly help, so you should prepare your jokes in advance and practice speaking them aloud.
A warm, friendly manner will go down well and make people more predisposed to like what you say. Don’t try and be the center of attention, and make sure the jokes you use are appropriate for everyone invited to the wedding. The guests are likely to comprise of all age ranges from toddlers to the elderly and so don’t say anything that might offend!
If you’re not a natural comedian – and lets face it, not many of us are – then you may be short of jokes. Most people can only remember a few, so it can really be helpful to invest a few dollars in a Wedding MC Jokebook. While some of the jokes may have been used before, they are tried and tested and you’ll also get tips of delivery from professional comedians and your performance can really benefit.
Example Jokes
The jokes below are just a selection from the Wedding MC Jokebook, but may give you some ideas to get started.
Example 1
Why are husbands like lawnmowers? They’re hard to get started, they emit foul odors, and don’t work half the time.
Example 2
A young couple was called to heaven before they could be married. The disappointed groom asked St. Peter if it would still be possible for them to get married.
“I’m afraid you’ll have to wait,” St. Peter replied. If you still want to get married we will talk about it.”
Five years passed and the couple came back. They asked to be married again. St. Peter said, “Sorry, you’ll have to wait five more years.”
They waited another five years and St. Peter said they could be married. The wedding was beautiful and at first the couple was happy, but then they realized they made a mistake. They now asked St. Peter if they could get a divorce.
“What?” St . Peter asked. “It took us 10 years to find a minister in heaven, and now you want a lawyer?”
Example 3
After a young couple brought their new baby home, the wife suggested her husband should try his hand changing diapers.
“I’m busy” he said, “I’ll do the next one.”
The next time came around and she asked again. The husband looked puzzled.
“Oh, I didn’t mean the next diaper. I meant the next baby!”
Practicing your Wedding MC Jokes
Once you’ve prepared your jokes, you should make a note of them – just enough to remind you of what they are. Also start to plan when during the day you are going to say them. Only use one at a time, otherwise people will start to think you’re stealing some of the limelight from the bride and groom.
Since you need to announce what happens when, you should consult the bride and groom to find out what their plans are. Write this all down with approximate timings so that on the big day you don’t have to do it all from memory – a sure-fire road to disaster.
Once you have a list of what you need to do and when, and notes on the jokes you should start to think about what you’ll say during the announcements. In addition to your wedding MC jokes you need to pass of information too!
Practice what you’ve planned until you are comfortable with it. Once you start on the wedding day, you’ll tart to enjoy the role and relax. And once people laugh at your comments then you’ll be able to really enjoy yourself.
About the Author: If you found this article helpful you might like to read moe about wedding MC jokes at Simply Wedding MC Jokes.
Source: isnare.com
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